Veterinary Entomology Scholars (VESs) will be invited to participate in this project at one of four land-grant institutions in Tennessee, Georgia, Kansas, or Texas. All four universities are Carnegie R1 institutions and the Land Grant University for each state. Each university also has research and education centers (RECs) designated to support research conducted that benefits the state, and these centers will be available to the scholars for tours, research, and additional learning and sharing opportunities. These RECs are equipped with field vehicles, cattle-working facilities, catch pens, and chutes. Importantly, each university provides additional flavor for the scholars.

At all locations, scholars will learn the following entomology-specific skills: arthropod collection, identification using microscopes and dichotomous keys, basics of integrated pest management, and use of artificial intelligence and machine learning to detect pests on cattle. Additionally, scholars will conduct independent projects using the skills of the scientific method (observation, literature search, data collection/analysis/management, interpreting results, and communicating findings). Scholars will attend and present at the Livestock Insects Workers Conference. In preparation for participating in the conference, background reading will be conducted on notable senior scientists the participants want to meet there.