Why now?
- The westward spread of Bovine Theilerioses into Bovine Anaplasmosis endemic areas and the constant threat of Cattle fever in southern Texas is a reminder that pests affect livestock across the U.S. and lead to poor animal health, welfare, and production.
- There is a documented shortage of veterinary entomologists, that is exacerbated by the lack of training of veterinarians and similar animal scientists in entomology.
- There is a critical need to train individuals to develop entomological skills (identification, surveillance, and management) for these biosecurity pest and pathogen complexes that impact livestock industries.
What will the program do?
- Provide an 8-week summer residential REEU each year to eight scholars. Each scholar will be provided a stipend, housing, and partial relocation expenses.
- Provide all scholars the opportunity to attend a professional conference (Livestock Insect Workers Conference) to network with other veterinary entomologists and learn about professional schools and career opportunities. and share results through a virtual Expo to stakeholders.
- All scholars will develop their professional abilities including communication skills, leadership approaches, and team science.
- Scholars will be organized into teams of two at each of the four participating universities (eight scholars total).
- University of Tennessee in Knoxville, TN
- University of Georgia in Athens, GA
- Kansas State University in Manhattan, KS
- Texas A&M University in Stephenville, TX

Scholar Expectations
- Scholars will be expected to participate in all activities (as possible) with a curious, positive, and professional mindset.
- Scholars will be expected to attend the Livestock Insect Workers Conference in Cody, WY (July 6-12, 2025) and present to stakeholders at the REEU REEVES Expo (~2-hour webinar) during the final week.
- Scholars will be expected to participate and engage in weekly meetings to discuss the larger team project (~1hr) and one day conducting the work for that project. This will involve all institutions, entomologists, and all eight scholars.
- Scholars will be expected to participate and engage in weekly institutional specific meetings to discuss university-specific projects.
- Scholars will be expected to participate and engage in a weekly Team Science journal club led by Smith (~1hr on Zoom).
- Scholars will be expected to participate and engage in a weekly Leadership Executive Seminar Series led by Dr. DeLong (~1hr on Zoom, once a week, on the weeks described under the tentative calendar).
- Scholars will be expected to participate in program evaluation which includes surveys and focus groups during the eight-week program and six months after participation.
2025 Tentative Calendar
Recruitment and Selection: Applications will be accepted until all spots are filled. We hope to announce our eight scholars in March 2025.
Programming: Official programming will occur for eight weeks (June 1 through July 26, 2025). We plan for the eight weeks of programming to consist of the following:
- Week 1: On-boarding, compliance training, pre-program evaluation, Clifton Strengths Finder, Leadership Training, team surveillance, and develop independent research questions with Extension specific output.
- Weeks 2-4: Larger and individual team meetings and projects, Team Science journal club and the Leadership Executive Seminar Series.
- Week 5: Mid-term program evaluation, prepare for LIWC, Larger and individual team meetings and projects, Team Science journal club, and the Leadership Executive Seminar Series.
- Week 6: Livestock Insect Workers Conference, this will be a longer week as travel to and from the meeting will be needed.
- Week 7: Larger and individual team meetings and projects, Team Science journal club, and the Leadership Executive Seminar Series.
- Week 8: Larger and individual team meetings, wrap up Team and individual projects, Veterinary Entomology Scholar REE Expo with stakeholders, and program evaluation.