Program Overview and Expectations

Why now?

  1. The westward spread of Bovine Theilerioses into Bovine Anaplasmosis endemic areas and the constant threat of Cattle fever in southern Texas is a reminder that pests affect livestock across the U.S. and lead to poor animal health, welfare, and production.
  2. There is a documented shortage of veterinary entomologists, that is exacerbated by the lack of training of veterinarians and similar animal scientists in entomology.
  3. There is a critical need to train individuals to develop entomological skills (identification, surveillance, and management) for these biosecurity pest and pathogen complexes that impact livestock industries.

What will the program do?

  1. Provide an 8-week summer residential REEU each year to eight scholars. Each scholar will be provided a stipend, housing, and partial relocation expenses.
  2. Provide all scholars the opportunity to attend a professional conference (Livestock Insect Workers Conference) to network with other veterinary entomologists and learn about professional schools and career opportunities. and share results through a virtual Expo to stakeholders.
  3. All scholars will develop their professional abilities including communication skills, leadership approaches, and team science.
  4. Scholars will be organized into teams of two at each of the four participating universities (eight scholars total).
    • University of Tennessee in Knoxville, TN
    • University of Georgia in Athens, GA
    • Kansas State University in Manhattan, KS
    • Texas A&M University in Stephenville, TX

Scholar Expectations

  • Scholars will be expected to participate in all activities (as possible) with a curious, positive, and professional mindset.
  • Scholars will be expected to attend the Livestock Insect Workers Conference in Cody, WY (July 6-12, 2025) and present to stakeholders at the REEU REEVES Expo (~2-hour webinar) during the final week.
  • Scholars will be expected to participate and engage in weekly meetings to discuss the larger team project (~1hr) and one day conducting the work for that project. This will involve all institutions, entomologists, and all eight scholars.
  • Scholars will be expected to participate and engage in weekly institutional specific meetings to discuss university-specific projects.
  • Scholars will be expected to participate and engage in a weekly Team Science journal club led by Smith (~1hr on Zoom).
  • Scholars will be expected to participate and engage in a weekly Leadership Executive Seminar Series led by Dr. DeLong (~1hr on Zoom, once a week, on the weeks described under the tentative calendar).
  • Scholars will be expected to participate in program evaluation which includes surveys and focus groups during the eight-week program and six months after participation.

Program Expectations:

2025 Tentative Calendar

Recruitment and Selection: Applications will be accepted until all spots are filled. We hope to announce our eight scholars in March 2025.

Programming: Official programming will occur for eight weeks (June 1 through July 26, 2025). We plan for the eight weeks of programming to consist of the following:

  • Week 1: On-boarding, compliance training, pre-program evaluation, Clifton Strengths Finder, Leadership Training, team surveillance, and develop independent research questions with Extension specific output.
  • Weeks 2-4: Larger and individual team meetings and projects, Team Science journal club and the Leadership Executive Seminar Series.
  • Week 5: Mid-term program evaluation, prepare for LIWC, Larger and individual team meetings and projects, Team Science journal club, and the Leadership Executive Seminar Series.
  • Week 6: Livestock Insect Workers Conference, this will be a longer week as travel to and from the meeting will be needed.
  • Week 7: Larger and individual team meetings and projects, Team Science journal club, and the Leadership Executive Seminar Series.
  • Week 8: Larger and individual team meetings, wrap up Team and individual projects, Veterinary Entomology Scholar REE Expo with stakeholders, and program evaluation.