Frequently Asked Questions

Program Specific Questions

REEVES Program Logo and banner image
  • What is the REEVES program?
    • REEVES is a collaborative 8-week research and extension opportunity for undergraduate students interested in animal science, entomology, veterinary sciences, parasitology, and similar disciplines. Selected students will work in teams to collect, curate, and share entomological data with stakeholders.
  • How is the REEVES program funded?
    • REEVES is funded for four summers (2025/2026/2027/2028) through a USDA-NIFA AFRI competitive grant [program number: 2024-67037-42432].
  • Why is it called a REEU instead of a REU?
    • REUs are dedicated to introducing students to research, REEU are dedicated to introducing students to both research and extension.
  • How many students will participate?
    • Eight students will participate each year for 32 students.
  • How are participants selected?
    • Participants who submit all their application materials (complete form, open response questions, provide CV, transcripts, and reference letters) will be evaluated in a timely manner. We will evaluate applicants based on statements of interest, previous experiences, letters of recommendation, coursework presented in transcripts, and the potential contribution to their professional development. Ideally – applications will be accepted in January – mid-February, Zoom interviews will be conducted in February, and participants notified in March.

Scholar Specific Questions (Eligibility)

  • Who is eligible to apply?
    • Students who are entering their sophomore, junior, or senior years are eligible.
  • Can current seniors apply?
    • Students graduating in the coming spring or summer can apply, but preference will be given to students in earlier years because the program is designed for students returning to their undergraduate courses.
  • Are only University of Tennessee, University of Georgia, Kansas State University, or Texas A&M students allowed to apply?
    • No – students from any college or university may apply!
  • Must I be a United States citizen or permanent resident?
    • Yes, to be eligible for USDA funding, applicants must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident.

Are You Ready To Apply, But Have Questions?

  • How do I apply for the program?
  • Is there an application fee?
    • No. Applications are free.
  • What do I need in order to apply?
    • Applicants will need the following information to apply:
      • Copy of your CV – ideally as a pdf
      • Academic transcript(s) – ideally as pdf
      • Reference Name and Email for 2 individuals
      • Personal Statement: In less than 750 words, please explain why you are interested in this program, what you hope to learn from the program, and how completing the program will help you advance to your next stage/goal.  
      • Quick Response: At your residence, what are your favorite and least favorite chores? Why? (500-character limit)
  • When must I apply?
    • Applications will be accepted until all eight scholars are identified. Written applications should be submitted by February 15th. Note, earlier is better.
  • What are the selection criteria? What is the selection process?
    • Applicants will first be reviewed by the University of Tennessee programmatic team and then veterinary entomologists to ensure program fit. Applicants are then interviewed over Zoom by Trout Fryxell and Smith.
    • Acceptance into the program is based on interests, goals, letters of recommendation, statements, Zoom interviews, and coordination.
  • When do students find out if they have been accepted into the program?
    • A rolling admission model will be used, but applicants will be notified as soon as possible after selection. We expect to notify all applicants in March.
  • Do I have to participate for the full eight weeks of the program?
    • Yes. The program is designed for eight weeks, but if you are unsure, please provide a date and reason if you cannot participate for the full eight weeks.
  • Can I take classes or work another job while I am participating in the program?
    • No. The program is a full-time commitment, but if you are unsure, please provide additional information.

Scholar and Program Logistics

  • Is this a paid program?
    • YES! This is a paid program for all eight scholars. Each scholar will receive a minimum stipend of $2560 for the eight weeks ($8/hr) and paid housing ( = we will pay for summer housing).
  • What are the typical work hours?
    • Hours are determined by your host institution, but scholars will be expected to work ~40 hours per week. Some weeks will be longer than others (travel to LWIC) just as some days may be longer than others (fieldwork). There are no concrete start or end times.
  • Is the starting date flexible?
    • Due to programming, start and end dates are not flexible. This program begins June 1 and ends July 26. The program is designed as an eight-week program and allows students time for other activities at the beginning and end of the summer and to attend a professional conference.
  • How will I travel to Knoxville (TN), Athens (GA), Stephenville (TX), or Manhattan (KS)?
    • Upon acceptance to the program, we will provide a modest travel allowance to help you travel to and from the host institution. Note, travel by air will require the scholar to have a Real Id or similar TSA-approved form of identification.
  • Where will I stay in Knoxville (TN), Athens (GA), Stephenville (TX), or Manhattan (KS)?
    • University or similar housing will be provided (=we find and pay) for each scholar. More information on specific housing will be provided closer to the project start date.
  • Do I have to go to the LIWC conference?
    • Yes. This program requires attendance, presentation, and networking at the Livestock Insect Wokers Conference. We will pay for your conference travel, hotel, etc..
  • How will I travel to the LIWC conference?
    • We will provide a travel and hotel allowance for round trip travel to and from each visiting university. Scholars may travel by air or van and will stay at the conference selected housing. Note, travel by air will require the scholar to have a Real Id or similar TSA-approved form of identification.

What if I still have questions or comments? Then email Dr. Trout Fryxell.